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Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Refurbishing

The Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Refurbishing Program is a practical and efficient way to resource used daily living and mobility medical equipment. These items can be purchased through a non-profit and the benefit of like new equipment is obtained by those who need it. This program helps those with unique abilities obtain this equipment when normally they would not have access.

This industry teaches persons in our care current marketable skills in the physical repair of medical equipment by going through an onsite training program that demonstrates how to properly sanitize, repair, program and test many types of manual and power DME. This offers workers opportunities to give back to the community and provide an honorable service to others. This platform helps Wisconsin win with the training of skilled persons in our care, reducing the cost of DME to its stakeholders and customers and keeping unwanted materials out of landfills.

BCE embraces the opportunity to help others and improve its relationships with those who seek partnering in programs like DME.