Step 1:
Go to, and select "Register" from the home screen.
Step 2:
Enter information to register as a qualified customer of BCE
Step 3:
Receive confirmation email directing you to login and create a permanent password
Step 4:
After creating your password, login to to view registration information.
** If you intend to order using a P-Card, proceed to step 5 below. Otherwise, your registration is complete. Thank you!
Step 5:
Click on "Settings" and choose "Payment Methods."
Step 6:
Enter P-Card information and click " ADD CARD". (Be sure to specify your default card if more than one P-Card is added to your profile.
Step 7:
Confirm payment methods are correct. If so, you have successfully added PCARD information! You can always ‘Edit’ or ‘Remove’ PCARD information from your profile when necessary.